Client: Erie Insurance
Location: 502 Parade St., Erie, Pennsylvania
Dates: Original building — 1900; Renovations complete — 2012
Size: 2,650 SF
The Queen Anne-style building at 502 Parade St. was designed by local architect Joseph Frank in 1900 for Charles M. Conrad (1841–1910). Conrad built this home for his daughter, Katherine Conrad (1870–1960), and her husband, Frederick A. Brevellier (1866–1931). Over the years, the building had been modified into apartments and fell into disrepair.
The original blueprints were found and Kidder Architects was able to restore the front porch to its original appearance. The property is now used as a law office.
Prominent German born brewer Charles M. Conrad (1841–1910), whose home was on the armory site, built these houses for two daughters and their brother husbands--502 designed 1898 by Erie architect Jos. Frank for Katherine Conrad (1870-1960) and Frederick A. Brevellier (1866–1931), Erie Brewing Co. executive and Bank of Erie Trust Co. president--510 built c.1904 for Eda Conrad (1872–1919) and Arthur W. Brevillier (1871–1955). Erie Brewing Co. official & president of Erie County Mutual Insurance Co.